Ready to go: thinkingParticles Service Pack 1 Drop 8

August 16, 2019 - Service Packs are meant to improve stability and workflow. New features are usually not available in Service Packs.


InputFromVDB - a new feature has been added in the Scatter function. A radius can
now be used to store values in the volume grid. 

AccumulateVDB - a new function has been added to the Scatter option. A radius can
now be specified to store values in the grid cells. 

New Workflow behavior: Deactivating the MasterDynamic System will now automatically hides
the thinkingParticles helper in the 3ds Max view port.

LoadVDB - new option "Re-Simulate Imported" added to User Interface

- ShapeToVolumeVDB  "Update Loaded" renamed to "Re-Simulate Imported"
- ParticleToVolumeVDB "Update Loaded" renamed to "Re-Simulate Imported"
- InitiatorVDB, "Update Loaded" renamed to "Re-Simulate Imported"

ShapeToVolumeVDB - new workflow behavior: setting interior band width < 1 will fill
the object.


An issue has been found in FractureVDB which could result in a crash, this has been

The Relax feature in VolumeToMeshVDB showed an issue and could result in a crash,
this is fixed now.

LoadVDB did always overwrite volume grids. Now, the user option is respected.

LoadVDB, outputs did not work, this is fixed now.

ShapeToVolumeVDB using cached data now respects Re-Simulate Imported option.

ParticleToVolumeVDB using cached data now respects Re-Simulate Imported option.

ParamBlock Operator did not display World Scale parameters 

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