thinkingParticles 7.3

Texturemap Input Functions

When this input type is created in the ExpressionME-L Node, you can connect thinkingParticles' TextureMap Node and use its available data to transfer colors to particles or to use color information from a texture map to control particle simulations.
This input cannot be used to create custom materials or surfaces, but it can be useful for creating realistic simulations that involve extracting colors from textured surfaces.

Global Variable:

texturemap_in_id returns the index of the input you created (starting with 0 excluding Time and On). 



This function is used to evaluate the color with alpha or without or the mono value (intensity) of a texture map.


texturemap_in_eval(in_pos, out_scalar)
texturemap_in_eval(in_pos, out_vector)


Parameter Description
in_pos The position for 3D maps or UVW for 2D maps.
out_scalar The mono value.
out_vector A vector of length 3 ([r, g, b]) for color, or a vector of length 4 ([r, g, b, a]) for color with alpha.




Evaluates an intensity gradient


texturemap_in_gradient(pos,  value)  


Parameter Description
pos the position for 3D maps or UVW for 2D maps
value vector[3] for a 3D gradient or vector[2] for a 2D gradient


Return Description
scalar 0: fail, 1: success



This function evaluates a turbulence vector for a TextureMap Node.


texturemap_in_turbulence(pos, value) 


Parameter Description
pos the position for 3D maps or UVW for 2D maps
value vector[3] for a 3D gradient or vector[2] for a 2D gradient


Return Description
scalar 0: fail, 1: success



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