thinkingParticles 7.3

Function Input Functions

The ExpressionME-L Node offers a special "Function" input which can be used with the following nodes:

The Function input is a special purpose input type that allows for a bi-directional connection to the node. In the case of a ValueToValue Node, the "Value" input of this node can be set by the in_scalar parameter and the output of this node is received by the out_scalar parameter

Global Variable:

function_in_id returns the index of the input you created (starting with 0 excluding Time and On). 



The AlphaGradient Helper Node has been upgraded to support multi-threading operations in an efficient way. To use this feature, you must use the special "Function" output, which can only be connected to the ExpressionME-L Node. The function_in_alpha is a tool for efficiently reading a value from a connected AlphaGradient Helper.
Note that multi-threading operations are only performed when the Function output is used.


function_in_alpha(in_scalar, out_scalar)


Parameter Description
in_scalar The input value of the AlphaGradient Node
out_scalar The output value from the AlphaGradient Node


Return Description
scalar 0: failed, 1: success




The ColorGradient Helper Node offers new functionality and has been extended to support multi-threading operations in a highly efficient manner. Multi-Threading operations are only performed when the special Function output is used. This new output can only be connected to the ExpressionME-L Node. The function_in_color is used to efficiently read a value from a connected ColorGradient input.


function_in_color(in_scalar, out_color)
function_in_intens(in_scalar, out_intensity)


Parameter Description
in_scalar The input value of the connected ColorGradient Node
out_color The output color is either a Vector 3 (RGB) or a Scalar (intensity) from the ColorGradient node.
out_intensity The intensity from the gradient color (the maximum value of the RGB channels).



Return Description
scalar 0: failed, 1: success




The ValueToValue Helper Node offers new functionality and has been extended to support multi-threading operations in a highly efficient manner. Multi-Threading operations are only performed when the special Function output is used. This new output can only be connected to the ExpressionME-L Node. The function_in_value is used to efficiently read a value from a connected ValueToValue input.


function_in_value(in_scalar, out_scalar)


Parameter Description
in_scalar The input value of the connected ValueToValue Node
out_scalar The output value of the connected ValueToValue Node


Return Description
scalar 0: failed, 1: success



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